FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester Badge FC United of Manchester Pitch In

Covid-19 Risk Assessment and Supporter Expectations

Covid-19 Risk Assessment and Supporter ExpectationsFC United are delighted to be able to welcome supporters back into Broadhurst Park after a 189 day absence, Football without fans is nothing and although we can be proud of the role we played in the community during the enforced break, nothing beats being able to watch our team in red play in the ground we built.

A great deal of work has gone on behind the scenes to ensure we can hold matches safely in the new Covid 19 era. We will do all we can to ensure that watching a match here at Broadhurst Park remains as enjoyable as ever but supporters must understand that in the short term there have to be some changes to the match day procedures and experience to ensure we can hold matches with crowds. The safety of all our staff, volunteers, players and supporters is behind all of our decisions and we ask for your understanding and patience as we all adapt together to this new reality. Covid procedures will only be in place for as long as the pandemic requires them.

FC United are lobbying to have our capacity increased from the current 600 but please be aware that this is reliant on non-league football being able to show the government that we are able to adhere to social distancing requirements and capacities will not increase, and indeed may be further cut, if it is considered that we can’t. As one of the more high profile clubs currently allowed spectators in stadiums we expect to be monitored closely. Please play your part in ensuring the safety of yourself and others at the ground and hopefully getting our capacity up to a level where we can get most of our supporters back into the ground.

We would therefore ask you to please read the Match Arrangements guides on our website for each match you attend as procedures will change and to follow the asks in our Supporter Expectations document which are for the safety of all attending and also to ensure we remain able to host matches with crowds. We also publish here our full risk assessment for those supporters who want to satisfy themselves of our procedures before deciding to attend.

Many thanks for your understanding

click here to read the Supporter Expectations Document

click here to read the FC United Covid 19 Risk Assessment (September 2020)

First Posted ~ 04:21 Sat 5 Sep 2020
News ID ~ 8768
Last Updated ~ 16:00 Fri 19 Feb 2021