Fund the Foundations
Fund The Foundations is a fan-led donation scheme, ring-fenced for the sole purpose of reducing the debt on our Broadhurst Park home.
One of the many wonderful things about fan owned football is having a voice and doing things ourselves, our way. The feedback and ideas put forward from members on the forum, and the hard work of supporters and staff since, have been integral to getting this initiative off the ground.
And now’s the time to back it!
Since the huge collective effort in raising funds to help towards our dream of owning a home of our own, it’s been suggested that there’s not been one big project for the whole fanbase to get united behind, excuse the pun. So we hope that as many fans as possible can support this new scheme, where the objectives are clear, and together we can proactively tackle our outstanding debt issues. Every pound donated will get us a pound closer to our goal of becoming debt free.
We appreciate that times are incredibly hard with the ongoing cost of living crisis, and we’ve taken this into consideration with the donation amounts, as we don’t want any fan to feel excluded. Direct debit payment plans start from as little as £1 a month, equivalent to 25p a week, and one-off donations are also more than welcome. We set a target of raising £20,000 in the first year and we’re delighted to announce we surpassed this figure with 2 months spare!
Whatever FC means to each and every one of us, or whatever our hopes for the future, chipping away at this debt is absolutely essential to getting there. So we hope you can get behind the Fund The Foundations scheme and help support YOUR CLUB.
Please Note: This is a fan-led scheme and we need help and input from as many dedicated supporters as possible to assist with the planning and execution of the initiative. Whether it be media and communications support, fundraising or event planning, or whatever you feel you could bring to the table…we’d love to hear from you! Email:
To donate, simply sign up to your preferred direct debit plan, or make a one-off payment, using the options below:
Monthly Direct Debits
One-Off Donations
If you would prefer to pay via BACS, please use the below bank details:
Account Name: FC United Ground Project
Account Number: 20310466
Sort Code: 60-83-01
All support is very appreciated.
Development Fund Committee