FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester Badge FC United of Manchester Pitch In


940 675 265

FC United of Manchester is currently owned by 940, which includes 675 adult members and 265 junior members.

Own your own football club

FC United of Manchester offers you a unique opportunity to own your own football club. The club is fully owned and democratically run by supporters on a one member one vote basis. Members vote on all major decisions, such as electing the Board, setting ticket prices and choosing the playing shirt. Every member has an equal share in ownership, so for £25 you could co-own our club.

Not for profit

FC United is run in a profitable way, but is a not-for-profit organisation. This means that all money raised is reinvested in running the club, providing services for members and carrying out community work. Our constitution means the club can never be bought by an individual or a company, so no fat-cats can get their hands on our club's money.

Share our vision

Most members are committed fans of FC United, but we encourage membership by anyone who believes in our aims and ethos. By putting supporters and community at the heart of our club, we're showing that fans can have a powerful say in the way football should be run. The more members we have, the louder our collective voice will be.

If the kids are united

Young people play an important role in FC United and for only £3, junior members can join and prepare for when they're old enough to become co-owners at age 16. Many junior activities take place throughout each season and junior members can help to plan these for themselves.

How to join

FC United of Manchester - Changing the face of football and returning it to the fans. Come on the journey with us.