FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester Badge FC United of Manchester Pitch In

Youth Work

Sports Leaders

The Sports Leaders courses are free (funded through Forever Manchester) for anyone aged 14 or over. They run each month and, on completion, each participant will be presented with a Go Lead certificate that could act as a springboard to further coaching in sports or leading groups. Go Lead is an award designed by Sports Leaders UK that provides an introduction to leadership that equips students with the knowledge, skills and competencies to lead basic physical activity sessions and also use leadership skills in their day to day lives at work or college.

On completion of the one day course, each participant must commit to volunteering 8 hours of their time and we particularly encourage volunteering in local community organisations to increase the capacity of the local community. We recruit 12 people each month and the course will run until August 2017.

This project is part of a wider initiative with FC United, the MaD Theatre Company and Collyhurst and Moston Amateur Boxing Club working together to teach more than three hundred local young people and generate in excess of three thousand hours of volunteering in the local area.

NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

Through funding received from the Youth Aspiration Fund, run by the Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner, we are working in partnership with the MaD Theatre Company and Collyhurst and Moston Amateur Boxing Club to develop an accredited employability course to equip 16 to 25 year olds with the necessary skills and knowledge to prepare them for employment.

The course lasts for 12 weeks and the participants will be expected to work with us for 16 hours per week of which 7 hours will be based in the classroom at Broadhurst Park and the other 9 hours will be split evenly across the three organisations. On completion participants will be awarded the Level 1 Open Award in Employability and will have gained valuable work experience with the three organisations. The course aims to prepare those entering employment for the first time or those who are unemployed and seeking to improve their employability to return to work and covers a broad range of topics including working as a team, communication skills, presentation skills, customer care, health and safety in the workplace and managing finances. The qualification is nationally recognised and accredited by Ofqual and is on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF).

As of January 2017 we are recruiting for this project and aim to complete four NEET courses over the next twelve months and, in the process, equip around 40 young adults with the skills and attributes required for employment.

Friday Night Youth Project

Through funding received from the Adactus Housing Group and Key 103 radio station, we now run a Friday Night Youth Project in our community cabin at Broadhurst Park. This is designed as a drop in session for local young people. Each Friday evening from 6pm to 7pm we encourage 7 to 11 year olds from the local area to enjoy football and other sports on our 3G pitch with qualified FC United coaches. In addition, from 7pm to 9pm the cabin is open to those aged 12 to 16 years to enjoy a range of activities (for a charge of £1) including pool, games consoles, table tennis, table football, arts and crafts and more.

First Posted ~ 08:00 Sun 29 Jul 2018
News ID ~ 8987
Last Updated ~ 02:29 Wed 17 Feb 2021