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Your matchday programme on computer and phone - update

We are hoping to make a pdf version of the matchday programme available for all home games this season.

We plan to enable supporters to get matchday programmes on their computer or smart phone.

We held a trial for the Blackburn Rovers XI issue at a cost of £1 and it can still be downloaded at: http://www.fc-utd.co.uk/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=111

Thanks to those who downloaded it. Let us know what you think and send any genuine feedback, critiques or ideas to programme@fc-utd.uk

If we get all the issues we have currently been made aware of ironed out for the start of the season we plan to sell future individual match programmes for £1.50 and subscriptions to the whole season’s issues for just £30, which offers a great saving. We will update you with details on these plans in the next couple of weeks.

We have taken on board suggestions and advice from supporters who requested a pdf version for many different reasons.

Some fans have no room to store the print version of the programme and it has put them off buying one, therefore they would rather have them stored on their computers.

Others live far away from Manchester and don’t get to matches for whatever reason, including our armchair army, so they would like to purchase the programme to feel a part of the matchday experience and keep up to date with stories around the club.

Some supporters have also told us they lose their print version at or after matches and having them stored on computer would make things easier.

Therefore we are giving fans an added option, while also hoping to boost sales, which goes directly to the club.

We will always have a printed version of the programme for those that still prefer the traditional approach and we hope sales of this, which improved significantly last season, will not be hit by the launch of the pdf.

We hope the pdf version will add buyers, who have previously been put off for whatever reason, rather than take them away from the traditional print version. So please keep on buying it from our lovely sellers on a matchday.

We are proud to have the best programme at our level and probably a couple of levels above and it is down to the enthusiasm of our contributors, sellers and buyers.

Last season we took steps to make the programme more accessible and easier to contact, and we would like to think we succeeded with the improvements being obvious.

Please keep on getting in touch and telling us what you think, how we could improve and contributing to what is one of the club’s main media outlets.

To contribute, email programme@fc-utd.uk

One page articles are usually 650 words long and two pagers are a maximum of 1,000 words with pictures.

If you would like to take part in the Meet the Owners section, which focuses on the fact members own their club, then email us at programme@fc-utd.uk and we will tell you how.

It is very much a communal effort and we thank you all for your continued involvement and support.

Many thanks comrades.

The programme team

First Posted ~ 08:52 Thu 2 Aug 2012
News ID ~ 4337
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021