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Women's Team midfielder Cara Fields recalls Sunday's stadium win as an "amazing experience"

Sunday’s 11-0 win over Penrith AFC Ladies was new signing Cara Fields’ fourth appearance in a red shirt since joining the club at the back end of September. The newest addition to the side made her debut nearly a month ago in a 13-0 win over Liverpool Marshall Feds Reserves and having scored on that day, she doubled her FC tally with a second United goal in last weekend’s stadium win.

Playing in the stadium was an experience that Fields certainly enjoyed on Sunday. "It was an amazing experience to play in the stadium in front of a great crowd and an even better atmosphere! The team were up for it, so it was important that we went out there and showed everybody what we are capable of. I think we did that with a near perfect performance on the day".

Fields has had a positive start to life at Broadhurst Park after her move from Sheffield FC Ladies last month. The new signing has praised her teammates for helping her integrate into the group so quickly. "In my first training session, everybody made me feel so welcome from the start and I instantly felt part of the team. I also knew some of the girls from previous clubs which played a massive part in settling me in".

One player in particular that Fields had played with previously before coming to FC is fellow midfielder Fran Sullivan. The pair have flourished in each other’s company on the pitch over the last month and Fields is more than delighted to be able to link up with her old friend again in this FC side. "Me and Fran have played together at a few different clubs so we understand how each other plays which allows us to work together well both on and off the pitch! It’s important for midfield players to be on the same page so it has been really good to play alongside Fran in such a talented team here at FC".

Last weekend’s performance and celebrations have displayed that there is a real buzz in and around this team at the minute and Fields pinpoints from her point of view, why that is. "You can tell it’s a special group of players this year! Not just because of the talent and depth of the squad, but also the chemistry and togetherness is evident for people to see. We all have the same goal and we know that we can only get there by working for each other and not as individuals".

The team is one that Fields is delighted to be a part of having signed last month and reveals what it was that persuaded her to join the club. "I had heard about the club and what it stood for but it was only once I had spoken to Luke [Podmore] and met all of the girls, I knew that I couldn’t miss out on a chance to be a part of it".

"I’ve loved being able to enjoy my football and perform under no pressure but at the same time challenge myself in new ways. It seems like FC has the perfect balance", the midfielder added.

Since coming to Broadhurst Park, Fields has been impressed with the high standards here at her new club. "I was surprised at the levels of performance and professionalism when I first arrived, in a good way of course! But now it’s clear that everybody at the club has a long-term vision for where we want to get to and we have set such high expectations for ourselves that we know we must maintain our standards now, in order to achieve them".

Finally, ahead of tomorrow’s league meeting with West Didsbury & Chorlton at Broadhurst Park (3G), Fields stresses the importance of keeping up this early season momentum gained from the 100% record in the league so far in this campaign. "It’s so important. Now we’ve set the bar, we can’t let it drop. We need to keep sending out a message each week to the league and continue to improve as a whole. It’s easy to get complacent when you’re winning by big scorelines, so we need to continue to take each game as it comes, keep working hard and stay focused on the task in hand".

You can see Fields and her FC teammates take on West Didsbury & Chorlton in the league, tomorrow afternoon at Broadhurst Park (3G) - 2pm KO!

We hope to see you there!

By Mikey Partington

First Posted ~ 20:04 Sat 28 Oct 2017
News ID ~ 7654
Last Updated ~ 21:49 Thu 18 Feb 2021