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United hungry for victory

Manager Karl Marginson still has every confidence in his squad of players and says they are champing at the bit to get a first victory of the new season under their belts this Saturday against Bridlington Town at Gigg Lane.

Rory Patterson may feature in the action as his foot is just badly bruised rather than broken, Stuart Rudd will be available and Simon Carden may be recalled to the starting line up after impressing as a substitute against both Lancaster City and Garforth Town.

Margy said: "We’ll wait and see with Rory how bad the pain is, but it isn’t broken so that’s really good news. Stuart’s fine and we’ll see what the referee has put in his report (about Wednesday’s red card) before deciding whether to appeal. Simon is definitely pushing for a start and he’s ready for it. He’s adamant that he was on-side on Wednesday for the goal and he was unlucky not to score against with that volley against Lancaster."??

Margy has also been very impressed with former Oldham Athletic midfielder, Chris Baguley. He said: "Chris’ situation is pretty similar to Nicky Platt in that it took Nicky a few weeks to settle in last season, but once he did he put in some tremendous performances at the back end of last season. That’s the road we want to go down with Chris."??

Speaking about the 19-year-old’s free-kick which curled just past the post on Wednesday, Margy added: "That shows a lot of character; to come on as a substitute with your team one-nil down and to take that free-kick with ten minutes to go. We’re very lucky to have Chris - he’s going to be a real belter."??

And despite the two defeats Margy has been reasonably pleased with the way his side has performed and doesn’t see the need for bringing in new personnel. He said: "I’m sticking to what I said at the start of the season; we’ve got the players to do the business. I’ve heard the opinion that we need a meathead in the middle - why? I want footballers who can pass the ball and not be bullied. I don’t think we were bullied on Wednesday night, their players got away with a few things, but we weren’t bullied.

"We’ll match fire with fire when we need to but until then we’ll carry on playing football, that’s the United way and that’s what I’ve been brought up, so we’re not going to change it. In both games we’ve created enough chances, we’ve not really carved anyone open yet but that will come. I think someone’s going to be on the end of a hiding very soon."??

First Posted ~ 21:10 Mon 27 Aug 2007
News ID ~ 1130
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021