FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester Badge FC United of Manchester Pitch In

Spend & Save

Spendaholics at FC United have raised almost £400 for the club since July by using www.buy.at/fcunited to shop online.

The website has a host of major retailers who are willing to pass on a commission to FC United when you spend your hard-earned through the web site but when we launched the affiliation with BuyAt there was some concern that AIG’s name was listed. As the world’s largest insurance company their name is everywhere and nobody had to buy from them but we still did not want their name to be listed on a site associated with FC United and asked for its removal. Within a week or two the American giant began to wobble - Hmmmm -coincidence? Maybe but of you are planning to make a purchase check out BuyAt first and see if you can earn the club some commission into the bargain.

Expedia paid us £30 for just 1 hotel booking in Venice, so next time you want a dirty weekend turn passion into pounds and think of Buyat and FC instead of England.

Remember the Buyat Price Promise "You pay exactly the same price as on the retailer’s main sites, often lower than on the high street. The commission earned by your group comes out of the retailer’s profit margin - it is their marketing spend." It costs the club nothing, it costs you nothing. You don’t even have to buy anything, just register for organisations as The National Lottery or FT.com and earn FC money.

So shop or register through www.buy.at/fcunited whether it’s for personal or business use and raise valuable funds for your club.

A Few Offers Available Now:

National Lottery

50p to FC when you register

National Trust Membership

£20 to FC per membership

Note: Get twelve months membership for the price of nine! Plus a FREE pair of binoculars!

Bang CD

10% commission to FC

Ethical Superstore

Ethical and Fair Trade brands and goods.

8% commission to FC

Love Film

Take a free 21 day trial and earn £7.50 for FC

Pizza Hut

7.5% to FC from your order after you register

First Posted ~ 14:30 Thu 18 Sep 2008
News ID ~ 1830
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021