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Southern Minithon

It started as a daft idea, followed by a few bold promises and the end result is some FC United fans from the South are going to do their own version of the Minithon.

Whilst the main event is taking place in Chorlton on 19 October, a small group will be running, or more likely staggering, a similar distance around Battersea Park in London.

If anyone would like to join the Battersea run/walk or is amused by their madness and would like to sponsor them please email Alison Watt at Portia.Vale@hotmail.co.uk."

Ed Noone sponsor Ed here
Anthony Leahy sponsor Anthony here
Scott Jones sponsor Scott here
Graham Voaden sponsor Graham here
Tony Tarpey sponsor Tony here
Jonathan Kendal sponsor Jonathon here
Michael Bradbury sponsor Michael here
Alison Watt sponsor Alison here

First Posted ~ 08:30 Fri 10 Oct 2008
News ID ~ 1863
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021