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New match day procedures

New match day proceduresAhead of today’s game we are asking all supporters to take note of the new match day safety procedures.

In order to avoid congestion around the tunnel and technical areas, the number of persons occupying the space during any game going forward will be limited to club staff only.

The decision to restrict movement of supporters across the technical areas at all times is for the benefit of the players, officials and match day staff who are working on any given match day.

It will enable staff to assist supporters with mobility issues should they need to make their way through this area prior to the game.

Please do take into account these new match day procedures as it is paramount that we are able to move quickly through these key areas of the ground should the situation require it.

Thank you for your cooperation.

First Posted ~ 08:38 Sat 11 Aug 2018
News ID ~ 7983
Last Updated ~ 16:00 Fri 19 Feb 2021