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Membership and season tickets on the up - have you signed up yet?

Membership of FC United of Manchester has now topped the 2,000 mark. This is a magnificent achievement and the figure is way in front of where we were on a similar date last season. Season ticket sales are also on the up, which is another positive step as we get closer to the start of the new campaign.

We are posting out season tickets and memberships this week to those who have bought them, so if you’ve renewed or bought for the coming season then you should be receiving yours in the post very shortly. As well as the success on memberships, we have over 800 season ticket holders signed up. We are looking to surpass last season’s total of 1,093, so if you’ve yet to buy yours then now is the time to think about it.

Sign up for a season ticket and pay what you can afford
FC United members have again voted to implement a "pay what you can afford" season ticket scheme, under which supporters get to place their own value on the price of a season ticket. The response in past years has been excellent. The scheme has been an undoubted successes, achieving everything that it was designed for, namely empowering supporters to take collective responsibility for the finances of the club, recognising that some supporters were feeling the financial pinch, whilst others may be able to pay a little more. The average price paid for season tickets last year was approximately £160.

This year, we are slightly behind last year’s figure for the average paid for a season ticket, so if you can afford a small donation on top of your ticket then every bit helps the club’s budgets and importantly subsidises the season tickets for those who cannot afford to pay the minimum rate.

Commenting on hitting 2,000 members mark, FC United membership secretary Michael Holdsworth said: "To start the season on 2,000 members is a fantastic achievement and testament to the work done by the membership team. As of the Macclesfield game, the membership stall had already taken over £3,300 and thanks must go to Tom Stott, Brian Pendlebury, John Bradley and John Lea for their efforts so far. We are now targeting 3,000 co-owners for the October general meeting and every effort will be made to promote and push the membership as far as we can. The more people who co-own FC United, the stronger the message we send to the rest of the footballing world."

Don’t forget that membership of FC United also gives you access to our recently launched co-owners forum, where you can take part in debates and discussion about your club and also ask questions of board members and club officials. Membership also gets you entry into the Members’ Quarterly Prize Draw and the closing date to qualify for the first draw of the new campaign is 5pm on Friday 17 August. The prize is two VIP tickets to a home league game of your choice and the package includes meeting manager Karl Marginson and the players, access to the players’ lounge pre- and post-match and also food and refreshments at half time. What better reason to get your membership application off today!

Please sign up as a member as soon as possible and help us to increase our membership above last season’s total of 3,276 members. Together we can demonstrate that there is a better way for football - and one that works and brings with it real involvement and community benefit.

Sign up for membership of FC United of Manchester here

Buy a season ticket for the 2012/13 season here.

First Posted ~ 09:27 Fri 10 Aug 2012
News ID ~ 4354
Last Updated ~ 21:49 Thu 18 Feb 2021