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Members' Meeting

Members’ MeetingA members’ meeting will be held on Wednesday 28th June 2017 commencing at 7,00pm at Broadhurst Park, 310 Lightbowne Road, Moston, M40 0FJ. Registration will open at 6,30pm

The agenda will cover:

- 2017/18 business plan
- Development of the east stand and the grant offer from Power To Change
- Any other business

The business plan and other supporting documents will be available to members in the member’s documents area before the meeting. The Board will be available to answer members’ questions on the members’ forum before and after the meeting.

This meeting is not a general meeting as defined in the Club’s rules.

There will be a vote at the meeting on whether to approve the business plan in accordance with resolution 1 passed at the general meeting on 15 May 2016. There will also be a vote on whether to accept the grant offer from Power To Change. Voting will by a show of hands at the meeting.

We look forward to as many members attending as possible.

First Posted ~ 17:16 Fri 9 Jun 2017
News ID ~ 7482
Last Updated ~ 16:00 Fri 19 Feb 2021