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Invitation for Board Observers

Invitation for Board ObserversThe next Board Meeting will take place on Tuesday 26th June, 6,30pm. Please note this is a slight change to the usual Monday meeting.
Any member who wishes to attend the meeting as an observer should notify the Club and Company Secretary of their interest by 12pm on Monday 25th June by e-mail:viv.ware@fc-utd.net

In the event of more than three members registering their interest, a ballot will be held in the presence of at least two members of club staff and/or board members. Should those members successful in the ballot no longer be able to attend, their places should be offered to unsuccessful members on a first come, first served basis.

It is expected that some discussions taking place at the meeting will require confidentiality. In those circumstances, the same principle that applies to publication of confidential matters within minutes will apply to the attendance of member observers. Where this is the case, observers will be asked to leave the meeting.
Observers will be able to write notes during the meeting which can be submitted to the Chair on the evening. These will be uploaded to the club website to share observations with fellow members.
Observers will also have the opportunity to feedback separately to the board. It is of vital importance that observers do not disclose matters discussed in meetings until the publication of relevant minutes.
The member observers present at meetings shall be recorded as attendees within minutes.  In keeping with the resolution, they are not permitted to vote at meetings or speak, unless invited to do so by the Chair on a point of clarification.

First Posted ~ 11:18 Tue 19 Jun 2018
News ID ~ 7932
Last Updated ~ 22:35 Tue 14 Jun 2022