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FC Juniors raise money for the DF...

FC United Junior members have been busy all season raising money for the Development Fund. Below is a summary of how the money has been raised and also the grand total for the season.


At the start of the season, our very own FC Juniors adopted the Brick by Brick collection as their main DF project to get all that loose change which may be sitting at home in drawers etc to where it needs to be.. in the FC Development Fund.

Ultimately, all the change collected from these bricks and the green barrels which have adorned Gigg Lane this season are going to get us a bit nearer to where we need to be and although to loads of us it’s easier to chuck a pocketful into the barrels on matchdays, we’d also love you to keep embracing what the kids are trying to get involved with seasons from now.

Anyway, to the nitty gritty...

After a tally up, the grand total from the Bricks this season is whopping £576.27 which will be sent on behalf of all our Juniors to the DF bods to be added to the Development Fund grand total. Thanks to everyone who either handed in Bricks or just passed over bags of coins which they had collected for the Juniors project. Well done to all

Guess The Amount In The Bottle Winner

During the back end of the season, some of the change collected from the Bricks was put into a huge whisky bottle and visitors to the Juniors stall were invited to guess the amount within for 25p a go. This was a ploy to make the money make a bit more money rather than put it all in a bank account earning next to nothing.

The prize for this was the football which was in play at the end of the game against BPA signed by all the FC players.

The winner of the competition was Des Lynch who is one of our Fair Share Draw coordinators. Des was only £1.57 out and Des says it’s the first thing he has ever won in his life. This being said, Des has very generously offered the football back to the Juniors for them to use next season to assist their fundraising. Many thanks go to Des from everyone within the FC Juniors and thanks to everyone else who had a go at guessing at the amount.

It’s been a great season and next year we want to try and make it even better for our FC Juniors.

First Posted ~ 11:07 Tue 5 May 2009
News ID ~ 2235
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021