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CYCM Preview: Morpeth Town

Our first turn of two this week, James Young, is no stranger to FC. As well as trips to Broadhurst Park in-between his match day duties flogging United We Stand outside Old Trafford, he came over to Milan for the full Fenix in June. Take a look at his Instagram: @jamesunderscoreyoung and you’ll see he’s taken that picture outside the San Siro that we all took, side/corner/side just as you got out of the tram station. He’s also written about it for the United We Stand Summer Special 2023. Alongside his straight journalistic work, and there’s plenty of that, he also has a side-career as a performance poet and it’s that side of him that will be on display on the Caring Stage on Saturday.


Our main act this week is the intriguingly-named Prawn Prison, a modern one-man band who was described to us as “fairly minimal synth-wave with a touch of Sleaford Mods style lyricism”. Or it could be his Midlands accent as he self-identifies as a Brummie serving in Manchester. We’re going to take the serving bit as meaning he works in a chippy rather than he’s going to have to scale the walls of Strangeways early on Saturday morning with a sampler under his arm. Anyhow, his new single, On & On (& On) is released on 23rd October in all the usual places and can be pre-saved on Spotify. More details via his insta @prawnprison


No pies this week sorry as our baker Rose is away on holiday in Pieland.  There should still be muffins however, probably of a mango persuasion.


As always, get through the turnstiles and turn right through the doors and when you can get no further, there we are blatantly privileging art over easy access to the toilets. Full timings will [ok, may] follow, but assume a one-thirty start.

First Posted ~ 22:30 Sat 14 Oct 2023
News ID ~ 9717
Last Updated ~ 21:02 Sat 14 Oct 2023