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Curzon Ashton game fundraising totals

Monday’s bank holiday game against Curzon Ashton (the Nash) saw a massive 1,340 tickets sold for the Pound for the Ground draw, so after the prize money we were left with £1,090 for the Development Fund. This was a terrific total considering that owing to the bank holiday we were four sellers short and struggled to cover all the usual selling points, so well done to the team.

The first three prizes were claimed on the day, but the fourth prize of a breakfast for two at the Lakeside Cafe is still available. The second prize of £50 was won by one of the members from the matchday Armchair Army, who pay £25 up front in order to be included in every PFTG draw. The numbers have grown every year thanks to the efforts of Neil Boothman and this season 31 members have paid a total of £780 to be included in the draw.

Jeff Johnson (NZRED) has very kindly donated his winnings of £50 to the FCUM Diggers and has asked if it would be possible to buy some plants that represent in some way different parts of the world i.e. NZ flax. Well done Jeff and thank you for your donation.

The winning numbers from Monday were as follows: -

1907 1st prize £200 (claimed)
0211 2nd prize £50 (claimed)
0340 3rd prize Fudge Hamper (claimed)
1636 4th prize Breakfast for two

The barrel collection was boosted by £100 from the PFTG 1st prize winner at the Brackley game donating half of their winnings, £22 from exchanging some foreign stuff and the usual array of bags of change and notes and coins. A grand total of £402 was the result. Also 30 euros were donated along with some Turkish lira and a mixture of foreign coins.

When you add the barrels total to the Pound for the Ground proceeds we get a grand total of £1,492 raised from the Curzon Ashton game. The running total for the Development Fund at home games so far this season now stands at £5,471.

As usual many, many thanks to all who contributed to the excellent totals. We have ordered three more barrels as we have had folk telling us that they are struggling to find a barrel on matchday. These should be in place for the next home game.

First Posted ~ 12:04 Thu 3 Sep 2015
News ID ~ 6354
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021