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Collection for Callum

Winger Callum Gribbin was injured in the Warrington Town game on January 28th, which has result.ed in him facing a long spell on the sidelines. Callum is a highly-valued member of the squad and we have loved the brand of attacking, silky football he has brought to the team. We are looking to support Callum during this difficult period and have arranged for a collection to take place at our upcoming home games; starting with the Stalybridge Celtic fixture this weekend.

Collections can be made at either bar for tomorrow's game and you should also keep en eye out for some very special volunteers who will be making their way around the ground accepting donations. 

All donations will be very much appreciated and I'm sure you'd like to join us in wishing Callum a very speedy recovery and hopefully we see him back on the pitch as soon as possible. 

First Posted ~ 11:25 Fri 17 Feb 2023
News ID ~ 9513
Last Updated ~ 20:51 Wed 29 Mar 2023