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Board statement regarding the FC United General Meeting on 24 April 2016

At the FC United General Meeting held on Sunday 24 April 2016, a large number of members were in attendance at Broadhurst Park. Demonstrating the passion and commitment that co-owners have for the club, this increased engagement can only been seen as a positive sign.

At the start of the meeting concerns were raised regarding the receipt of votes cast prior to the meeting. As this issue could not be resolved to the satisfaction of members, it was agreed that this matter would need to be investigated further.

In addition it quickly became clear that, due to the number of members present, it was logistically impossible to conduct a meeting that would be inclusive of all present in the room.

As a result of these issues, a motion was put to the members to adjourn the meeting. This motion was passed.

As this situation has no precedent, the board are now looking into the next steps required in accordance with club rules. Independent advice will be taken on this matter and shared with members in due course.

There will be further communication with members as soon as possible.

The FC United of Manchester Board

First Posted ~ 13:41 Sun 24 Apr 2016
News ID ~ 6810
Last Updated ~ 00:47 Tue 16 Feb 2021