FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester Badge FC United of Manchester Pitch In

An Historic Moment For Football


We stand together with Fair Game UK as the new white paper is released – effectively its plans for football reform.

What does this mean? Independent regulation, fans voice, protection of assets, better governance, community lead and sustainable football.

Fair Game CEO Niall Couper said: “Fans want an independent regulator, politicians want it, communities want it. The question now is to ensure that it is fit for purpose."

As a fan-owned football club our aim has always been to create a sustainable club, owned and democratically run by its members, accessible to all the communities of Manchester and one in which they can participate fully.

Our manifesto remains the same with seven core principles of how the club will operate which are set out below, and once agreed by the membership, will be protected by all elected Board members:

1. The Board will be democratically elected by its members.
2. Decisions taken by the membership will be decided on a one member, one vote basis.
3. The club will develop strong links with the local community and strive to be accessible to all, discriminating against none.
4. The club will endeavour to make admission prices as affordable as possible, to as wide a constituency as possible.
5. The club will encourage young, local participation - playing and supporting - whenever possible.
6. The Board will strive wherever possible to avoid outright commercialism.
7. The club will remain a non-profit organisation.

Our CEO Natalie Atkinson said: “This is a moment in time for football to reform and change, we are at the forefront of the fans voice and will continue to champion fan ownership for our football community and sustainability.”



First Posted ~ 10:18 Thu 23 Feb 2023
News ID ~ 9519
Last Updated ~ 19:11 Sun 26 Feb 2023