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Advertising & Media

Sponsorship & Advertising

Are you interested or do you know someone who is interested in sponsoring or advertising with us? For details on anything from Main Club Sponsorship to Programme Advertising, please contact office@fc-utd.uk or call 07792 833 086. Please note: all current sponsors, advertisers & 127 members will be contacted shortly.

Press & Media

Do you collect press cuttings and articles about FC United? Have you taped or copied TV interviews or reports, if so you may be able to help us. We are collating all our press and media to an archive, could you forward us a list of any media or clippings that you have. We would be very grateful. Please contact office@fc-utd.uk or call 07792 833 086.

First Posted ~ 07:23 Fri 16 Jun 2006
News ID ~ 320
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021