FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester Badge FC United of Manchester Pitch In

2009 for 2009 - Own your own club

We’re still counting the surge of new members joining before the General Meeting, but signs are that we remain under our target of 2009 for 2009. Well, we sort of made it, because the total membership is well over 2009, but we were hoping to get to that figure for adults, so let’s have one final push.

Membership remains open, although it would now be too late for any newbies to be included in the process for this GM. However, there are still 6 months until the new season starts and it’s always a good time to own an equal share of your own football club. We believe fan-ownership is an important concept and we hope our club demonstrates a good example of how all football clubs should be run. Therefore, we’d like to encourage everyone who agrees with that to join us as a member.

So if you’re not a current member, why not sign up today? If you’re already a member, now is a good time to invite any interested parties to join up too. One member has just done a mailshot to 700 fellow football fans, who’ve shown an interest in FC United, which is a fantastic effort.

Here’s some text you might like to send around to any family or friends who’ve shown a bit of interest in our little revolution:

FC United of Manchester is different from the vast majority of other football clubs in England because it is owned by its members. That principle, which is enshrined in its constitution, means it can never be bought by an individual or a company, but is fully owned and run by football fans. Most members are committed supporters of our club, but we also like to encourage membership by any football fan who believes in our aims and ethos. We strongly believe that all football clubs should be owned and controlled by fans. By putting supporters at the heart of our club, we’re showing that fans can have a powerful say in the way football should be run. The more members we have, the louder our collective voice will be.

All money raised by FC United from membership fees is reinvested in the club, providing services for members and carrying out development work in the local community and beyond. No "fat cats" or shareholders would be getting your money and FC United is a not for profit organisation.

By contributing through an annual membership fee - just £10 for adults and £3 for juniors - you would be contributing not only to the club and its future, but also to our vision of changing the way football is run and returning it into the hands of ordinary fans. You’d also have an equal share in ownership of the club. That’s not bad; you could co-own a football club for a tenner.

It’s easy to become a member and you can do it today by e-mailing membership@fc-utd.uk or by sending a cheque payable to FC United to:
Membership, FC United of Manchester, Hope Mill, 113 Pollard St., Manchester, M4 7JA.

You can also join online through the club shop - www.fc-utd.co.uk/shop/

First Posted ~ 15:54 Mon 30 Mar 2009
News ID ~ 2091
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021