FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester Badge FC United of Manchester Pitch In

No CYCM for this Saturday's game

Sadly, there will be no Course You Can Malcolm before the Basford United match on Saturday. There was some discussion about putting it on, ‘the show must go on’ style, even though we didn’t have any turns booked. And even though over the past three weeks we’ve had to contend with the failure of the lights, one of the monitor cabs and the mixing desk. But then we were reminded that on top of that there would be no pies as Rose is off to Blackpool for the World Ukulele Championships again. So, that was that. Apologies.

But, we will be back in a fortnight before the game against Matlock Town. One way or the other, make do and mend through a nostalgic trip to Tandy, or something new from Kay’s catalogue, we will have fully-functioning light, monitors and mixing desk. We’ll also have pies, pies, pies. And all this will be presented in the newly-expanded space, which will mean the stage will be further back so more people can get closer. Which is a good thing as we have Loose Articles playing. A band who demand a larger space and audience. More on them soon, but it’s worth noting that one of the band is an FC fan and they had a limited edition FC version (one of four different clubs) CD of their recently-released debut LP, Scream If You Want To Go Faster. We will also feature another comedian as part of our ongoing double-bills, the excellent Kat Molinari.

So, that’s no Malcs before the match on Saturday, but craft beers will be A Better Land from Black Lodge brewery (I always have to Google this to confirm which is the brewery and which the brew), Red Rebel and Two Hoots. See you there.

First Posted ~ 13:59 Wed 4 Sep 2024
News ID ~ 9981
Last Updated ~ 13:01 Wed 4 Sep 2024