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Let's keep Broadhurst Park Tidy

2015 saw the realisation of a dream for many FC United fans as we finally moved into a home of our own at Broadhurst Park. The efforts of many saw that dream become a reality and we’ve gone on to make BP a hub for sporting and community activity – for all of our footballing teams and local residents too.

Our ground is now used seven days a week, and increasingly so on Saturday evenings after our Men’s Team matches have taken place. We are delighted to see weekend slots filling up throughout 2025 for birthday parties, anniversary celebrations and retirement occasions! Sundays are also now in high demand with several christenings confirmed over the coming months. 

It’s imperative all supporters attending matches at Broadhurst Park leave our ground tidy and presentable and this is where we need your help!

We have a group of fantastic and dedicated volunteers who litter pick our ground post-match once supporters have exited, they ensure our Main Stand paddocks / seating areas and SMRE terrace are clear of paper cups and litter left behind by supporters.

To make this post-match task as easy and speedy as possible we would encourage all supporters to do three things:

  1. Use the bins provided - After you’ve clapped the players off the pitch celebrating that last minute winner, take a second to look around where you have been stood or sat and collect any litter you may inadvertently be leaving behind. Please dispose of all litter in the bins provided as you exit the ground.
  2. Leave litter where it can be easily collected – As a second-best option; if all litter was left at the end of each row of standing / seating area this would speed up the collection for our group of volunteers.
  3. Get involved – you don’t have to do every game. If as a group of friends, you committed to doing one game before the end of the season, we can ensure our ground is looking at its best for all who use our facilities! It’s the perfect volunteering role for those not wanting to miss any of the match – and you’ll be finished to enjoy a post-match drink in the bar and a chat with the players. 

One of our volunteers Erin (aged 10) says: “It’s important to keep the ground tidy so that it looks smart. I really enjoy litter picking but it takes a really long time because all the cups are spread out across the terrace. It would help us if you could stack some cups together at the end of the game.”

If you’d like to get involved please email volunteer@fc-utd.uk or ring 0161 769 2005

First Posted ~ 09:23 Mon 27 Jan 2025
News ID ~ 10099
Last Updated ~ 08:24 Wed 5 Feb 2025