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2024 Annual General Meeting

We are very pleased to give Notice of the 2024 FC United of Manchester Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM Notice and other relevant documents can be accessed on the Members’ Forum at https://forum.fc-utd.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=7709. Please contact membership@fc-utd.uk if you are having trouble accessing the forum. 

The Annual General Meeting of the Club is the annual members’ meeting at which the Board reports to the members on the performance of the Club in the previous financial year (to 30th June 2024). This meeting will be held both at Broadhurst Park and online, commencing at 11am. 

FC United was established on the firm democratic principle of one member, one vote. That principle is underlined by your opportunity to vote at this Annual General Meeting on the resolutions put to the membership, and to elect your Club Board for the next two years. 

Important Information 

Questions for Candidates  

The Members’ Forum will be set up to enable members to post questions to candidates. The format for the candidates’ forum questioning this year will be as follows:  

  1. The forum will be opened on Sunday 10th November 2024. The deadline for questions to be submitted to all Board candidates is Sunday 17th November 2024.
  2. This will be followed by a response to all questions by all candidates by Friday 22nd November 2024.
  3. If candidates then choose to reply to any further questioning on the Members' Forum, but outside of the candidates’ forum, that is their personal choice.  

There is additional opportunity for direct questioning of candidates at the Annual General Meeting.  


Methods of Voting 

The Board hopes that as many members as possible will vote on the resolutions and in the Board election. There are three methods available for voting; 


The default option for voting is via the Club’s secure online voting platform. All members who have opted to receive notice of this meeting via email will receive log-in details to allow them to vote online. 

Log-in details will be sent to the email address the member has registered with the club at the conclusion of the AGM. Voting will close at 6pm on 4th December 2024, this being the third working day after the meeting, as per the Club’s election policy. 

Any members not receiving their log-in details following the AGM, or otherwise having difficulty accessing the online voting platform, should email elections@fc-utd.uk or phone the Club office at the earliest opportunity. You will not receive log-in details prior to the conclusion of the AGM. 


By Post 

All members who have opted to receive notice of this meeting via post have postal ballot forms included in the pack they have received, along with instructions on how to submit their ballot. This documentation can also be downloaded from the Club Documents section on the Members’ Forum. 

The deadline for postal ballots to be received at the Club’s registered office is 6pm on 4th December 2024. Any postal ballots which arrive after this deadline will not be counted. Members voting via postal ballot are welcome to drop them at the Club office in person. 


By Proxy 

The Constitution of the Club allows members to appoint a proxy to attend and vote at General Meetings on behalf of the member. Proxy forms have been sent to members receiving this notice by post and can be downloaded from the Club Documents section on the Members’ Forum. 

Proxy forms must be received at the Club’s registered office prior to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting (11am on Sunday 1st December 2024).  

You may appoint the Chair of the meeting to be your proxy. If you appoint the Chair of the meeting you should indicate on the proxy forms how you would like the Chair to vote on your behalf, on the proposed resolutions and in the Board election. The Chair will cast your vote as you have directed.  

You may also appoint someone other than the Chair of the meeting to be your proxy. A proxy need not be a member of the Club. If you are assigning a proxy other than the chair, you must provide an email address for your proxy, who will receive log-in details to vote online on your behalf at the conclusion of the AGM. No person other than the Chair of the meeting can act as proxy for more than three members. 


Double Voting 

All postal votes will be cross-checked against the online voting platform. If a member is found to have both voted online and submitted a postal ballot, the online vote is deemed to be the one that is counted, and the postal ballot will be discarded without being counted. 


The Board looks forward to seeing as many members as possible attending, whether in person or online, on Sunday 1st December 2024.  

Yours sincerely, 

Danny Davis 

Company Secretary  

FC United of Manchester 

First Posted ~ 14:10 Thu 7 Nov 2024
News ID ~ 10047
Last Updated ~ 14:17 Thu 7 Nov 2024