Can you help to drive sales of our match day programme?
We are looking for volunteers to assist with a regular litter pick around Broadhurst Park.
Can you volunteer to ensure we maintain a good relationship with our local residents?
We are looking for tradespeople who can help with jobs around the ground.
Our Development Fund barrels are in need of some TLC to get them ready for the new season.
Our real ale bar is looking for extra help to boost volunteer numbers on a match day.
We’re on the lookout for extra helpers to join our team of litter pickers who keep our ground looking great. The group litter pick our stands at the end of our men’s team games.
Our red Development Fund donation barrels have been with us for many a year and since our time in Broadhurst Park over £27,000 have made their way into them as donations.
They’re now looking a bit tired and could do with a lick of paint to bring them up to scratch – ready for a new era of donations.
If you are a budding young artist and would like to come and give them a spruce up – in whatever style you want – then please get in touch.
Email volunteer@fc-utd.uk or ring 0161 769 2005