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Vote for the NEW FC United Home Shirt - Extended

FC United of Manchester has had an overwhelming response to the Shirt Design Competition. In total we have received 141 entries from supporters of all ages. Designs were submitted from as far afield as Mexico and Russia. FC United would like to thank all supporters who have submitted entries.

All entries were judged by a panel on Monday 9 April 2007. Four shirts were short listed and will go to the members vote.

Members can vote online by following this link. When voting, you will be asked to enter your email address @ this must match the email address held on file at the club. An email will then be sent to you containing a link which must be clicked in order for your vote to count. Only current club members can vote and all members can vote once and once only.

Members who do not have an email address can vote by writing to the club, quoting your name, address, membership number and shirt choice.

The closing date for voting is Tuesday 17 April 2007 at 3pm.

As there were a number of very similar designs submitted, in the event of the winning design having been submitted by more than one person a draw will take place on the pitch at a home game before the end of the season to decide on the winner of the prize of a trip to Turkey to see the kit being produced.

The final shortlisted entries were submitted by:

Kevin Hunt
John Yates
Paul Hadfield
Gary Selvidge
Patrick Stenson
John Marriot
Raymond Solomon
Mel Nethercott
Ian Knott
Blaine Emmett

First Posted ~ 14:14 Tue 17 Apr 2007
News ID ~ 929
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021