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Volunteer army prepares ground for new season

Volunteer army prepares ground for new seasonOn behalf of supporters, the club would like to say a huge thank you to a team of volunteers who have finished a crucial piece of work at the ground.

A sturdy new wall has been built around the edge of the pitch to provide a safe perimeter for fans, and also to house our advertising hoardings - without which the league would not allow us to stage home games at Broadhurst Park.

Around 1,300 blocks in total have been laid across some 167 linear metres, with four bricklayers and supporting labourers working weekdays, evenings and weekends to get the job done.

The voluntary work has saved the club thousands of pounds and the people who gave up their time to help are:

Steve Duff
Mick O Farrell
John Bentley
Peter Shaw
Colin Skade
Danny Skade
Ged Coyne
Gareth Bryan
Graham Byrne
Dave Simmonds
Bob Hope and colleagues
Dominic Kelly
Stuart Meade
Andy Walsh
Paul Whitehead
Mick Dancer
Stephen Debotte
Billy Fernandez
Junior members Joseph Winskill, Sam Riley, & Boris Bentley

Additionally, there were sterling contributions from Vinny Thompson in rounding up volunteers, and John England for providing lodgings for Mick O’Farrell for a few days. Concurrent to these activities, our wonderful resident painter Barney Cashinella, ably supported by Gareth Bryan, undertook painting of the ladies spectators toilets.

In the meantime, the club is also on the lookout for people who can come along this Sunday to help cut the 200-metre hedge along the ground’s Lightbowne Road boundary.

A contractor was paid last year to reduce the height after it became overgrown during the ground build, so the club is looking for volunteers to pitch in and help manage the size of the hedge from now on.

Work starts at 10am - all volunteers welcome, and anyone who can bring along a petrol hedge trimmer will help speed up the job.

First Posted ~ 12:33 Wed 29 Jun 2016
News ID ~ 6889
Last Updated ~ 16:00 Fri 19 Feb 2021