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The Great Season Ticket Challenge

Following the long awaited decision of the Northern Premier (Unibond) League that there will be 42 league matches next season the board is proposing that season tickets for the 2007/08 season will be offered at the same price as last season, if we can equal last season’s sales.

Therefore we are setting a challenge:

If we can sell 1000 season tickets by 16 July 2007 then everyone will get their season ticket at the equivalent of £6 per game for adults and £1 per game for juniors.

Adults £126
Under 18s £21
Over 60s and unwaged £90

This offer will represent a substantial saving on the pay on the gate price.

However we also recognise that to some, this ’call to arms’ comes at relatively short notice. Therefore we are also offering a second option to those adults that may find it difficult to find the full amount of their adult season ticket in one go:

We will also accept pledges of a commitment to buy a season ticket by way of a £50 deposit. Any pledges received before 16 July will count towards the ’challenge’ total.

It must be noted however the deposit is non-refundable and the balance must be paid before season tickets are distributed. This offer is also only open to adult season tickets. Should you wish to use this option please tick the relevant box on the application form.

The pay on the gate price will be decided by a members’ vote and the final price for season tickets will be ratified at the same time. In the unlikely event that as a result of the members’ vote the pay on the gate price would work out cheaper than the season tickets, then a refund will be offered.

Supporters can apply for season tickets for 2007/08 season in one of the following ways:

i) Sending their name, address, and date of birth along with a cheque or credit/debit card details to:

FC United, 221 Ducie House, 37 Ducie Street, Manchester M1 2JW
(NB paypal levy high charges so please send payment by cheque or credit card if you can)
ii) Download the season ticket form and return to the above address.

iii) Purchase season tickets online by following this link

Please note that purchase of a season ticket does NOT include membership. If you wish to become a member and co-owner of FC United for season 2007-08 please enclose £10 per adult membership.

If members are 16 years of age at the time of joining then the membership fee will be £10 with full voting rights. If members are under 16 years of age at the time of application then the membership fee will be that of a junior (i.e. £3). On reaching the age of 16 a member will be afforded full voting rights, regardless of the membership fee paid at the time of joining.

Alternatively membership can be purchased on line

To become a member:

i) Online:

The online application process is really simple to use. If you haven’t yet registered, do so at:


Once registered (or if you’re already registered), login at:


ii) By Post:


sending a cheque payable to FC United to: Membership, FCUM, 221 Ducie House, Ducie St, M1 2JW.

As an added incentive the club can confirm that as well as receiving a discount, season ticket holders will be guaranteed an FA Cup Final ticket should FC United reach the final of the competition.

First Posted ~ 08:56 Wed 11 Jul 2007
News ID ~ 1003
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021