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The easy way to raise money for FC

"I’m doing really well with my fundraising," says Chorlton supporter, Sylvia. There have been quite a few different people at work doing things for charity this year. So I decided not to put out a sponsor form, but sent an email out to staff saying what I was doing and put a ’Sylvia Minithon Fund’ cup at the front desk.

"I asked people to just put there change into it when they had visited the coffee machine or drop the odd £1 coin in if they were feeling generous. From that pot alone I have collected £54 up to now."

So why don’t you try the Sylvia Way? Or let us know of other good tips for fundraising. If you have not registered to raise club funds for the FC Minithon on October 17th, please go to www.fc-utd.co.uk/minithon2010.

First Posted ~ 11:34 Thu 7 Oct 2010
News ID ~ 3147
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021