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Members Vote

Members Vote

As owners of the club, current members are invited to vote on the following three matters: A vote on gate prices for the following season, a vote on season ticket prices and a vote on the issue of league sponsor patches on our shirt.

Members can vote online by clicking here. When voting, you will be asked to enter your email address; this must match the email address held on file at the club. An email will then be sent to you containing a link which must be clicked in order for your vote to count.

Only current 2007/08 members can vote and all members can vote once and once only.

The closing date for voting is Tuesday 14 August 2007 at 3pm.

Gate prices 2007-2008

The board are recommending that adult gate prices be increased from £7 per match to £7.50 per match. It is the boards’ view that at a time of increased off-field costs and inflation, in order to aid stability and help the club progress, that an increase for adults paying at the gate is necessary.

However the board remains committed to our philosophy of providing affordable football and as such will always strive to keep prices at their lowest, rather than follow the all-too common practice throughout much of the rest of football of raising them as far as the market will sustain.

As such the board are recommending a 50p increase rather than anything higher. The board believes that as we enter our third season, this first ever increase is in keeping with those ideals.

As a further commitment to providing affordable football to those in most need, the board also recommends that under-18’s gate prices remain at £2 per match and that OAP’s and unwaged prices remain at £5 per match.

Season Ticket prices 2007-2008

Following the stunning response from supporters to the challenge set over the summer the board are recommending that season ticket prices be frozen. The challenge was that if a thousand sales could be reached by mid-July then prices would be frozen at the equivalent of £6 per match for adults, less than £4.50 for OAP’s and the unwaged and only £1 per match for under-18’s. As the challenge was met, then the recommendation from the board is an obvious one, however the final say will rest with the members and therefore the vote is included accordingly.

If supporters would like to take advantage of these considerable savings on gate prices, there is still time to do so.

UniBond Sleeve Patches

Rule 7.7 of the Unibond League requires that competing clubs wear a competition logo on the sleeve of their playing kit incorporating the name and logo of the league sponsor. In March 2006 at the General Meeting of FC United the membership carried resolution ’C’ which stated "that no FC United of Manchester playing strip will carry shirt sponsorship". The League Management Committee have informed FC United that sanctions, financial or other, as a result of our refusal to wear the competition logo would be severe.

The board therefore requests direction on this matter for the coming season.

It is anticipated that this issue will be revisited at this years AGM for a formal resolution on the matter

First Posted ~ 13:59 Tue 14 Aug 2007
News ID ~ 1082
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021