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Fundraising update - a double barrel treat

The barrels were out at the General Meeting at Manchester College last Sunday and collected a very healthy £163. This was mainly thanks to Liz, who ran the raffle and donated the prize, and Brenda, who sold the homemade flapjacks and greetings cards - between them they raised £100.

It was another ticket-bursting Saturday for the Pound for the Ground sellers at the Frickley game, with 1025 tickets sold to the contented convivial Gigg Lane crowd. The winner was Richard Aubrey from Stretford, and despite the protestations from the draw master, insisted on dumping the whole £200 in the nearest DF barrel. Well done that man! Therefore £825 into the DF.

Its difficult to understand why you would buy tickets week in week out for nearly eight years, and then when you actually manage to win the damn thing, you gave part or all of your winnings back. It just goes to show that we all believe that this ground will be built, not if but when, and this is an expression of support for the grafters at this wonderful football club, who are striving and grappling, day in day out, with all the problems that this project brings.

The barrels were off to a flyer thanks to Richard’s donation of £200. Earlier in the day a supporter called at reception with a large bag of loose change which added up to £28 and when we emptied the barrels there were two bags of 20p’s which totted up to £70. When all the other loose change was counted, we had a mind-blowing total of £564, which will be in the DF account sometime on Tuesday.

Another big thanks to all who donated to the day’s amounts, and we’ll see you all for the final game of the season on Tuesday night . . . then again who knows what this week will bring . . .

First Posted ~ 12:30 Tue 7 May 2013
News ID ~ 4893
Last Updated ~ 02:01 Tue 16 Feb 2021