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FC United urge football supporters to join Beyond the Debt Rally

FC United urge football supporters to join Beyond the Debt Rally. Club will be joined by high profile guests.

With the debate on football finance and club ownership currently in the spotlight in Manchester and across the country, FC United of Manchester is holding a supporter rally, Beyond the Debt, ahead of its game against North Ferriby United at Gigg Lane, Bury, on Saturday 27th February. As a club formed and owned by its members, FC United is a fervent advocate of supporter-owned clubs being central to the future of football in the UK.

Alongside members of the FC United board who will be contributing to the debate, the club has attracted high profile supporters to the cause. Speaking at Beyond the Debt will be respected journalist David Conn, of The Guardian, representatives from German Bundesliga club Schalke FC, and Supporters Direct, which represents football fans throughout the UK. Fans of football clubs across the country, who are concerned by the current situation of debt at all levels of the national sport have also been invited to attend.

Andy Walsh, General Manager of FC United, commented: “Football is at a critical juncture, with the need for clear leadership and regulation never more evident. An alternative model of how the game is structured has never been more needed with supporter-ownership absolutely fundamental to that model. FC United is part of that debate, an example of that alternative and with our guests and friends that will join us on the day we aim to make the point that supporter ownership is the only way forward.“ The rally begins at 12 noon, and is free to attend. Entry to the match is £7.50 for adults and £2 for children.

First Posted ~ 23:00 Sun 21 Feb 2010
News ID ~ 9048
Last Updated ~ 13:20 Sat 3 Jul 2021