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FC United General Meeting Thursday 18th May 2023

Dear Co-owner,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the General Meeting of FC United Limited will take place at 6:30pm on Thursday 18 May 2023 at Broadhurst Park and online.

Online log-in details will be emailed to all members before the meeting.

FC United of Manchester is established on firm one member, one vote, democratic principles, and those principles are underlined by your opportunity to vote in General Meetings on the resolutions put to the membership.

Adult members who bought or renewed their membership by 19 April 2023 for season 2022-2023 are eligible to vote at the meeting.

Notice of the General Meeting of the Club, Proxy Forms and Explanatory Notes have been uploaded to the Members’ Forum at https://forum.fc-utd.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=6997.  So too have Ballot Forms, which you can print off if you prefer to vote by post rather than online.  You do not need to know your membership number to access the forum. Your username will be Firstname Lastname (Capital first letter of each name and a space between the two).  If you cannot remember your password please email membership@fc-utd.uk to get your password reset.

The General Meeting of the Club is the annual members’ meeting at which the Board presents the business plan.  The business plan/financial statements will be available for members to view online before the meeting.

1. Chair’s Welcome and Appointment of Scrutineer
2. Financial Report
3. 2023/24 Business Plan and Budget
4. Resolutions
5. Members’ votes

Resolutions and Members' votes
There is one Resolution and one Members' Vote to be voted on at the General Meeting. Full details of these can be viewed on the Members’ Forum at https://forum.fc-utd.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=6997.

Members can vote online, and log in details for the online vote will be sent out to each member for whom the club has an email address. Members may instead choose to vote by post, by downloading and printing off ballot forms from https://forum.fc-utd.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=6997.  You can also appoint a proxy who can vote on your behalf. Please read our elections policy and proxy ballot forms for further details. Please note that there will be no ballot papers distributed at the meeting.

Deadline for postal votes is12 noon on Thursday 1 June 2023. Online voting will open after the meeting ends on Thursday 18 May, and will close at 12 noon on Thursday 1 June 2023.  The Board hopes that as many members as possible will attend the meeting either in person or online to listen to debate on the resolution and members’ vote – hence the decision not to open online voting until after the meeting is concluded.  

After the online vote closes, postal ballot forms will be checked and will be deemed invalid if the member using such forms has also voted online; any member who has a proxy will be deemed to have voted and any subsequent vote will be invalid.

Yours sincerely

Natalie Atkinson
Club and Company Secretary
FC United of Manchester

First Posted ~ 18:16 Wed 26 Apr 2023
News ID ~ 9578
Last Updated ~ 04:59 Fri 19 May 2023