FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester Badge FC United of Manchester Pitch In

Fair Share Draw

You Can’t Win If You’re Not In! Get Lucky!

The September 16th home fixture with Silsden will see the launching of our new Fair Share Draw. Raffle tickets will be sold prior to the match at £1 each or in books of five. 50% of the proceeds after cost deductions will be handed over to the winner, and the other half will go to club funds, assisting the building of our teams and our work in the community.

A handful of volunteers will then devote some of their time to collecting, checking and counting the proceeds. At half-time, the draw will be held in full view of the fans. The lucky winner will then be invited to immediately come onto the pitch, or send a representative, to collect a cheque for their winnings, or declare who they wish to be the recipient of the prize (e.g. a charity, an individual, a supporters’ group etc).
If you wish to help us raise funds with the Fair Share Draw, Volunteer Now!

Please email: linda@fc-utd.co.uk or phone: 0161 236 1070.
We will then contact you with details of the various ways you can help.

First Posted ~ 12:43 Mon 21 Aug 2006
News ID ~ 453
Last Updated ~ 01:52 Tue 16 Feb 2021