FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester Badge FC United of Manchester Pitch In

Board Profile – Warren Heppolette  

Current board term AGM 2023 – AGM 2025​​​

Candidate statement AGM 2023:

I have been a fan and member of FC United since the summer of 2005. My first game being the opening competitive home game against Padiham at Gigg Lane. I joined the board in 2021 and with the Club’s committees since 2019 and declare I am eligible to stand for election to the Club Board.

I think we have made progress in the last 2 years following the agreement of the club’s new 5 year vision:

  • A clear business planning and multi-year budget setting process
  • Bringing in skilled staff supporting events and hospitality, sponsorship, finance, commercial activity, and our community programme
  • A cohesive and united board and wider talents across our committee structure
  • A significantly improved relationship with Manchester City Council to help place our loan financing on a sustainable footing
  • Improved academy, community and matchday facilities at the ground and effective investment in an improved playing surface on our main pitch
  • Gradual improvement in the underlying financial position of the club with a clear reduction in loss levels across the period, achieved at the point where the wider economic climate worsened significantly
  • Transparent and open communication with members
  • Possibly the most exciting young squad of players we’ve yet seen at FC, about to test themselves in Europe, alongside a women’s team playing in the National league.

My priorities for the Board for the next 2 years would include:

  • The growth of our community programme and our contribution to the communities of Moston and North Manchester communities
  • Real development of women and girl’s football and a men’s first team which continues to challenge at home and abroad and finds and develops young players
  • Attracting new members and fans watching each of our teams
  • A bigger presence in the fan ownership movement which is self confident about who we are and what we represent as a club
  • A positive culture across our staff, volunteers players and coaches
  • Growth in our commercial and merchandise performance
  • Loan refinancing agreement with MCC
  • Exemplary governance through a strong and diverse board and a committee structure

In my professional life I am Chief Officer for Strategy with NHS Greater Manchester with 30 years of public service across local government and the NHS, and a Trustee of GM Moving, a physical activity charity also serving Greater Manchester

If you would like to contact Warren, please email warren.heppolette@fc-utd.uk