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Urgent Appeal : Callum needs a career-saving operation

Originally a crowdfunder was to provide some income for Callum to help him and his young family get through a year out of football, but we have today been told that while the PFA are kindly funding 50% of the costs, Callum needs to find the other 50% of the cost by Friday 17th March or the operation will have to be delayed, and even after the operation, he then faces 9-12 months of rehabilitation.


Click here to donate - thank you

Back story

Everytime a player pulls on the shirt and crosses the white line, like any player in any team, they are doing so to get the best result possible for their club.

What they are also doing is putting their physical well-being on the line, it's part of the job, and injuries are commonplace, but sometimes the injuries are severe, affecting not only the player's ability to playfootball, but also their life outside including their family life and their ability to work.

When Callum was the recipient of a hard tackle on the touchline early on in a game at Broadhurst Park, it immediately looked bad and he was stretchered off in obvious distress.

Following a scan it's been discovered that the challenge has ruptured not only his anterior cruciate ligament, but also his medial ligament and the posterior ligament - these are the ligaments that provide stability to the knee, and are devastating for anyone in terms of mobility, not least someone who relies on football as an occupation

We've done it before, and appreciate that times are hard for everyone, but if you can help by chipping in anything you can afford, no matter how small, it would help Callum through an incredibly tough period in his life - he wouldn't ask for this support himself - but he needs it more than ever.

Thank you

First Posted ~ 17:28 Tue 14 Mar 2023
News ID ~ 9535
Last Updated ~ 20:52 Wed 29 Mar 2023