FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester FC United of Manchester Badge FC United of Manchester Pitch In

Support FC over the summer: 90 minutes off the pitch

The season may be over, but in some ways the work is just beginning as we plan for our 20th season. Could you provide 90 minutes off the pitch these next few months?

Volunteer weeks at Broadhurst Park

We've picked out two weeks in June to encourage volunteers to come down to the ground and help with getting Broadhurst Park looking its best for a new campaign. There'll be cleaning, painting, tidying, gardening and general helping out with odd jobs around the ground. All are welcome to come along, with all help appreciated.

Monday 10th June - Friday 14th June & Monday 24th June - 28th June.

Please email volunteer@fc-utd.uk or ring 0161 769 2005 with your availability and also include any particular trade experience you have - although we must stress all are encouraged to come along. Notifying the club of your availability helps to plan some of the larger jobs when more help is on site.

Help spread the message of season tickets and new fixtures

2,000 season ticket flyers have been printed and dropped at the ground and we now need your help to get the message out to our local residents. It's a double sided effort this year with a profile of CYCM going alongside our season ticket offer.

Our first volunteer Alex, kindly picked up a batch to deliver yesterday but we need much more help to drive those sales and build on the success of our recent Community Day where over 800 local residents attended one of our home games.

We can't guarantee Mancunian sunshine, but we can guarantee you'll be providing a fantastic benefit to our club as we look to drive those season ticket numbers.

In addition, once the fixtures are announced we're looking for groups of volunteers to put up posters around Manchester. Let's re-assemble our boots on the ground army and start to once again drive the visibility of our match days. You know what to do - volunteer@fc-utd.uk or ring 0161 769 2005

Season ticket ringrounds

Every year we carry out a number of season ticket ringrounds to further drive numbers and make renewing your season ticket as easy as possible. In the past these sessions have been of great benefit and generated several thousand pounds.

They will run 1-2 evenings a week for a couple of hours, beginning in the final week in June. Even if you can only make 1 session, please get in touch - there is no requirement to come along to every session during the campaign.

Help in the office with an annual membership system task

We're looking for a number of volunteers to come into the office for an afternoon or two to help input membership data for the new season. This is primarily around those memberships which are self-renewing via direct debit and will take place in the second week of July. There are roughly 800 entries to be made in to our membership system so a large group would help to get the job done in a couple of sessions.

volunteer@fc-utd.uk or ring 0161 769 2005

First Posted ~ 19:13 Mon 8 Jul 2024
News ID ~ 9890
Last Updated ~ 05:47 Thu 13 Jun 2024