The Darlington match raised a whopping £775 from Pound for the Ground ticket sales and a humongous £420 from barrel donations.
We thank everyone who so generously gave to the Pound for the Ground and the barrels it shows that we live this club and will fight to ensure its survival.
Thanks to all of you again who dropped in your loose change, donations, cheques and foreign currency and those who bought PFTG tickets. A special mention also for our hardy band of PFTG ticket sellers,
we’d be lost without you!
Since the start of the season, the sale of Pound for the Ground tickets has raised £9,894 and the barrels have raised £3281.
We will continue to update PFTG and barrel donations as soon as possible after every home match and you can keep track of sums raised on the official website.
DF Barrels:
click here
click here
Many thanks for your generous continued support.