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ON SALE: 2021/22 Season Tickets, Ten Match Ticket Books & Memberships

Season Ticket Season tickets, Ten Match Ticket Books and memberships are now available for the 2021/22 season - buy yours today so that you can help the club set its playing budget for the coming season and you'll be there to see all the action.

Sales continue to be linked to playing budget as part of our model of sustainability and if we can hit our targets this gives first team manager Neil Reynolds the platform from which to build on the previous two seasons.

Buy Tickets Here


Season Ticket / TMTB Background

We are continuing with our pioneering “pay what you can afford” Season Ticket scheme; and have maintained minimum price of £150 for Adults and £100 for Concessions. Under 18s Season Tickets will remain at £21.

A Ten Match Ticket Book’ priced at £100 for Adults and £60 for Concessions which was also introduced for the 2019/20 season also remain available and provide an alternative for those supporters who may not be able to attend every game, but still wish to make a financial contribution in advance.

Income from Season Ticket sales allow the club to financially plan for the new season and will help influence the playing budget.

2021/22 Season Tickets and TMTBs

For the 2021/22 season, the club has set a target to raise at least £150,000 from Season Ticket sales and associated donations.

We are aiming to have 1,100 Season Ticket Holders made up of 462 Adults, 297 Concessions, and 166 U/18s Season Ticket Holders, plus 123 Adult and 52 Concession Ten Match Ticket Book Holders.

Our “pay what you can afford” season ticket scheme was introduced for the 2009/10 season, with the hope that those who can afford to, will choose to pay more than the recommended amount, to help subsidise those who pay less.

As in previous seasons we would greatly appreciate it if supporters, who can afford to, add a donation to the minimum season ticket price to reflect the pay-on-the-gate admission prices of £12 Adults, £7 Concession, £3 u/18s, Free for u/5s

For Adults, we recommend a donation of £55 in addition to the Adult Season ticket price of £150. This total amount of £205 is equivalent of getting four matches free if paid on the gate.*

For Concessions, we recommend a donation of £25 in addition to the Concession Season ticket price of £100. This total amount of £125 is equivalent of getting three matches free if paid on the gate.*

(* These savings are based on playing 21 home league matches in the season)

The Ten Match Ticket Book, which allows the holder to attend ten matches of their choice or multiple tickets can be used for the same match if bringing friends or family. TMTBs are priced at £100 for Adults and £60 for Concessions, providing a per match discount of £2 and £1 respectively compared to the pay-on-the-gate admission prices.

Season Tickets/TMTBs are now on sale

Due the continuing coronavirus restrictions office staff will remain furloughed until 21st May and fans are therefore encouraged to purchase tickets online. There is no ability to take payments in person at the ground or by phone until this date and supporters not able to purchase on line are asked to email their name, type of season ticket (adult, concession, junior) + the same details for anyone else they are purchasing for, to seasontickets@fc-utd.co.uk and we will be in touch in due course.

Tickets will be dispatched prior to the start of next season.

Buy Tickets Here

Monthly Instalments

For those supporters who may struggle to pay for their season ticket in one go, the club offers the option to pay in monthly payments. At present, the last payment must be made in August.

Due to office staff being furloughed during the coronavirus shutdown, we cannot at this stage set up direct debit payments but supporters will be able to pay in instalments by bank transfer. Please email the following details to seasontickets@fc-utd.co.uk

- Full Name,
- Type of Season Ticket,
- Amount you will be paying each month,
- Postcode (as there might be more than one person with the same name on our system).

If paying for multiple season tickets, we will need these details for all you are buying for. On receipt of this information we will email you back the club’s bank details and reference number to make the payment to each month until the installments are all paid up.


Memberships for 2021/22 season are also available to buy online priced at £15 Adults and £3 for Juniors (u/16s).  The membership period starts on 1st July 2021.

Please note that memberships for 2020/21 can still be purchased for anyone looking to do so and you will need to be a member in order to vote at the General Meeting on 30th June 2021. If you would like to purchase a membership for 20/21 please e-mail: membership@fc-utd.uk

Thanks again for your continued support.

Please stay safe and we hope to see you again at Broadhurst Park as soon as it is possible. Thank you.

First Posted ~ 11:41 Sat 10 Apr 2021
News ID ~ 9013
Last Updated ~ 22:47 Sat 1 Jan 2022