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KSK Beveren v FC United of Manchester Match Arrangements

KSK Beveren v FC United of Manchester Match Arrangements

Tuesday 14th February kick-off 20:15 CET

Admission 10 Euros Adults, 5 Euros U14s pay on the gate (cash or card)

The game

FC United will travel to Belgium to take on KSK Beveren in Group A of the Fenix Trophy on Tuesday 14th February. Kick off will be 20:15 CET which is the local time in Belgium (kick off is 19:15 for those of you watching the live stream in the UK)


The match will be played at G-pitch of the Freethiel zone, Lindenlaan, Beveren.

This is the much smaller training pitch in the complex which also includes the large Freethiel Stadium (the main stadium in Beveren) so if you get lost ask directions for that and you’ll find the match pitch nearby.

Option to travel on the team bus from Charleroi airport to Antwerp

Return travel on the team bus from Charleroi airport to central Antwerp will be available for those supporters arriving on Ryanair flight FR613 from Manchester at 09:25 on Tuesday (the flight leaves Manchester at 07:05) and the return bus journey from central Antwerp on Wednesday will get back to Charleroi airport in time for the Ryanair flight FR47 from Charleroi to Dublin at 15:10. Those supporters on the later direct flight from Charleroi to Manchester are also welcome to get this coach from Antwerp to Charleroi airport and then wait at the airport for their later flight – this is what some of the FC United squad will be doing. The price of this return coach journey will be £30 for adults and £15 for under 18s with all proceeds split equally between the two clubs. Bookings can be made here through the FC United club shop here: KSK Beveren Transport – FC United of Manchester (fcumshop.co.uk)

Travelling to the match from Antwerp

Train: Beveren Train Station is a 22 minute direct train ride from Antwerpen Centraal Station with regular connections during the day. The ground is then a 30 minute 1.5 mile walk. However please note that there is only 1 train back after the game which is scheduled to depart Beveren at 23:33

Taxi: It is approximately 10 miles from Antwerp to Beveren. We have been advised that whilst there are many taxis in Antwerp and you should have no issue getting to Beveren, taxis in Beveren late on a Tuesday night are quite scarce and it is recommended you make arrangements to be collected after the match whilst in Antwerp if that is your favoured method of transport.

Coach: Jake Worrall has organised two coaches to and/or from the match (details below) and these can be booked through the FC United club shop here: KSK Beveren Transport – FC United of Manchester (fcumshop.co.uk)

Bus 1: return trip 50 seats. Pick up from a location in central Antwerp in time for a 6pm arrival at Beveren’s ground. Return to central Antwerp departing from the ground at midnight

Bus 2: One way only back after the match 50 seats departing from the ground at midnight back to central Antwerp

We will not be able to overfill the buses so it will be important fans book in advance

The ground & facilities

In the end it was not possible to reach agreement with the professional side to use the main stadium so the match will take place at the training ground next to it which is the usual home ground for KSK Beveren. The address is G-pitch of the Freethiel zone, Lindenlaan, Beveren.

The ground will open at 17:30 CET with kick off 20:15 CET

Admission is pay on the gate and will be 10 Euros for adults, 5 Euros for U14s (cash or card payment acceptable)

There are only a very limited number of 50 seats available in the ground which are covered and should you feel unable to stand for the duration of the match please email Adrian Seddon (adrian.seddon@fc-utd.uk) by 5pm on Saturday 11th February with your name and we’ll send that on to Beveren to reserve you a seat. Can I ask that only those who cannot stand reserve a place to ensure no one who needs a seat misses out (including from the home fans). Should any seats remain at kick off, those supporters who can stand but prefer to sit are free to take them.

Supporters should note that the rest of the stadium is standing and uncovered so please dress appropriately for the weather conditions on the night.

All food, drink and merchandise outlets will accept cash and card

There is one indoor bar in the training ground which will be open from 17:30 and will be serving beer and there may be some additional pop up bars around the ground but that part is still TBC. There will be no issue buying alcohol & drinking it during the game but please do not attempt to bring your own in.

There will be food outlets in the ground serving burgers, hot dogs and sausages

KSK will be selling the same merchandise in the ground as you can see on their website here: https://myeskabee.myshopify.com/

Pyro: Whilst pyro has been a very popular part of the match day experience at KSK, they have received strong warnings from the Belgian FA and local council and from 1st January this year all pyro is banned at their matches, something their supporters have reluctantly accepted. KSK have therefore informed us that any pyro could and probably will result in their club being fined and potentially have to play matches behind closed doors so they ask that FC United supporters do not attempt to bring any pyro to the game. They are fan owned like us so please respect their request.

Match day dining and match ticket offer

Beveren are offering a match day dining and match ticket combined offer for 30 Euros adults/ 20 Euros juniors and the match day dining will take place at 18:00 CET in the main Freethiel Stadium (the big stadium) next to the ground where the match will be played. This is aimed at their fans as well and we expect a good number to take this up making this the best place in Beveren to meet up with their fans pre-match.

You can see more details about this match day dining offer by clicking the link below but please note that the website only accepts payment from Belgian credit cards so if you wish to book match day dining then please email Adrian Seddon (adrian.seddon@fc-utd.uk) by 5pm on Saturday 11th February with the following details:

  • Name of each person you are booking match day dining for
  • The number of adult and/or junior meals required
  • Choice of main course from the list below


The information we have received from KSK Beveren regarding match day dining is as follows:

We expect you at 18:00 CET in the main building of the Freethielstadion, 2nd floor (Stadionplein 1).

Choice (incl. dessert + entry ticket):

Fish & chips

Luxury hamburger with bread and fries

Luxury veggie burger with bread and fries

Children’s meal: Hamburger or currywurst with fries

The match day dining will be provided by caterer De Schepper.

Post match

KSK Beveren have organised a party (with a DJ) after the match in their clubhouse. This will last until midnight. Both sets of players and coaching staff will be attending.

Beveren town

For those staying in Beveren itself or looking for somewhere to go before heading to the ground KSK inform us that the best area to drink in Beveren is around the market square where there are a number of bars.

Please note that all information is correct as far as we know and is produced as a guide for travelling supporters but we can’t be held accountable for anything that isn’t correct and we therefore recommend you make the appropriate checks.

First Posted ~ 10:58 Mon 6 Feb 2023
News ID ~ 9504
Last Updated ~ 22:23 Mon 27 Mar 2023