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Fundraising totals from Witton Albion game

Fundraising totals from Witton Albion gameDespite the FA Cup game against Witton Albion being all pay on the gate, 1,230 Pound for the Ground tickets were bought by supporters and after deducting the £250 prize money £980 swelled the coffers of the Development Fund.

The winning ticket numbers were as follows: -

7074 1st prize £200 (claimed)
10152 2nd prize £50 (claimed)
8908 3rd prize Fudge Hamper
10157 4th prize Breakfast for two

The barrel collection was added to by £51 collected at the Altrincham Youth game, £42 for swapping US dollars at Raymond’s usual very generous rate of exchange, a clutch of £20 notes in the function room barrel and all the usual donations of change bags and notes and coins. The final total was a season’s best of £462.

When you add the barrels total to the Pound for the Ground proceeds we get a grand total of £1,442 raised from the Witton Albion game. The running total for the Development Fund at home games so far this season now stands at £8,277.

A mighty thanks to everyone who contributed last Saturday and look out for the three extra barrels that will be around Broadhurst Park this Friday evening at the Worcester City game.

First Posted ~ 17:39 Wed 30 Sep 2015
News ID ~ 6411
Last Updated ~ 16:00 Fri 19 Feb 2021