FC United of Manchester
FC United of Manchester
FC United of Manchester
Fundraising totals from Corby Town game
We had a full team of ten Pound for the Ground ticket sellers out at last Saturday’s game against Corby Town and we were rewarded with a very generous 1,305 tickets sold, leaving £1,055 for the Development Fund after paying out prize money.
The winning ticket numbers were as follows: -
1747 1st prize £200 (claimed)
1616 2nd prize £50 (claimed)
0079 3rd prize Fudge Hamper (claimed)
1421 4th prize Breakfast for two
The barrel collection was added to by donations from the Southport Youth game; Mary and Geoff donating their tips from the main bar food stall and the usual bags of change, notes and coins and totalled £309. In addition we had a bag of US cents which came to 15 dollars, 12 Euros and a fine selection of foreign notes and coins.
When you add the barrels total to the Pound for the Ground proceeds we get a grand total of £1,364 raised from the Corby Town game. The running total for the Development Fund at home games so far this season now stands at £6,835.
A big thanks to all who contributed to the day’s fundraising.
First Posted ~ 21:35 Mon 14 Sep 2015
News ID ~ 6378
Last Updated ~ 02:01 Tue 16 Feb 2021