At its launch in July 2023, Fund the Foundations was described as: “a fan-led donation scheme, ring-fenced for the sole purpose of reducing the debt on our Broadhurst Park home.” A target of £20,000 was set for the 2023-24 season with a brief outline of a campaign mapped out to see if the idea could get off the ground and begin to make a contribution to the repayments on our ground. We are delighted to announce we have now reached that first year £20,000 target, 2 months ahead of schedule – thanks to you! £20,575 to be precise.
Is this the end? Absolutely not. We’re just getting started. The reaction we’ve had from fans and co-owners has been fantastic, whether it’s signing up for a monthly direct debit, running a ridiculous number of miles to fundraise, auctioning off pieces of FC memorabilia or joining in with our Christmas stalls at the ground – everyone who has contributed this season has played a huge role in shaping the start of this initiative.
The month of April saw our monthly direct debit donations reach £1501.50 – the highest level yet. Some are signed up for £100, others for £1 – whatever you can afford, you are contributing to a ring-fenced pot of money which will help our club thrive in the long term, supporting our campaign to return football to the fans. Set up your direct debit here.
There’s still more to come this season, starting with tomorrow’s Fans Game at Broadhurst Park – with all money raised, further swelling the Fund the Foundations coffers – details.
Next year there’ll be a new target to aim for, with a new campaign and events planned. We’ve made a start but we need your help – if you are able to spare any time please get involved; in the planning of events, attending our meetings, fundraising of your own or promoting the initiative around the club. Email developmentfund@fc-utd.uk to register your interest.
If you can afford to make a donation, as a one-off or as a monthly commitment, please consider doing so here.
Thanks, Fund the Foundations Team.
Chantal Adams
Aled Duckfield
Dan Ford
Nadim Hammad
Dan Marran-Jones
David Platt
Alex Tonge