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Brackley Town match fundraising totals

Last Saturday’s home league match v Brackley Town raised £968 for the FC United Development Fund from the Pound for the Ground draw and the barrel collection.

The Pound for the Ground winning numbers (in prize order) were as follows: -

0498 1st prize of £200 (claimed)
0470 2nd prize of £50 (claimed)
0531 3rd prize Fudge Hamper (claimed)
0267 4th prize Breakfast for two

An excellent 1,005 tickets were sold therefore £755 went into the DF. The shiny red barrels were emptied and when all the bags and change were totted up it came to £213. This included £10.14 that was found on the terrraces by the volunteers doing the after-match clean up. There was also 53 euros in notes and change which will be swapped at a later date at very healthy exchange rate by Tim. We have also just received £22 for some old foreign coins which will go in the barrel collection at the Curzon Ashton game.

When you add the barrels total to the Pound for the Ground proceeds we get a grand total of £968 raised from the Brackley Town game. The running total for the Development Fund at home games so far this season now stands at £3,979.

Thanks again to all who contributed by buying a PFTG ticket or dropping cash in the barrels. Every penny contributed will help towards developing Broadhurst Park and the work we do even further. Here’s a thought to end on. Just 50p from every adult match goer into the barrel collection would generate over £1,000 per game. So, please spread the word.

First Posted ~ 12:55 Wed 26 Aug 2015
News ID ~ 6342
Last Updated ~ 02:01 Tue 16 Feb 2021