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Admission details etc for North Ferriby United @ Stalybridge

FC United’s first home game of the season is on Wednesday night at Bower Fold, home of Stalybridge Celtic. North Ferriby United are the visitors and there will be no segregation at this match.

Season Tickets will be on sale just past the main reception (beyond the restaurant). Payments by cash and credit/debit card will be accepted.

Most supporters will be used to getting to Stalybridge by now, whether thats knowing where you prefer to park, or how many pubs you pass on that uphill walk from the station.

The social club at Stalybridge is inside the ground and one turnstile (past the restaurant at about the half way line) will be open from 6pm to allow entry to the bar. The other four turnstiles will be open from 7pm. Please use the correct turnstile, and if you’re paying cash, the correct change is always welcome!)

At kick off, the four turnstiles closest to the entrance to the car park will close. The turnstile which is past the restaurant will stay open until half time for any latecomers.

How to get there

For those that aren’t as well rehearsed in it all, directions are available on the Stalybridge Celtic website
click here or click on the link for the Traveline journey planner
click here

What’s on

If you haven’t got your membership yet, the Membership Stall will be in its usual place inside the ground. Prices are £12 for adults and £3 for under 16s. The Past Programme Stall will be located alongside the Membership Stall.

The Pound for the Ground raffle, which raised more than £13,000 for the Development Fund last year, will be back again and you can win up to £200.

The social club will be open both before the match and at half time (located inside the ground).

The Megastall will be pitched up temporarily inside the ground and will have the usual merchandise available, including new stock of the 2011-12 home shirt.

The Development Fund barrels will be located around the ground. Supporters raised over £12,000 through the barrels last season, so drop in those bags of loose change you’ve been saving up over the summer.

With a convincing 2-0 win under our belts at Stafford Rangers on Saturday, excitement is high for the season ahead.

FC United vs North Ferriby United, Wed 17th August.

Adults - £8,
Concessions - £5,
Under 18s - £2,
Season tickets - £90 and whatever you can afford

First Posted ~ 15:47 Tue 16 Aug 2011
News ID ~ 3706
Last Updated ~ 00:47 Tue 16 Feb 2021