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Donate your Matchday Spend

Donate your Matchday SpendWe have virtually no income so keep us going through the current crisis please consider donating each match-day what you would have spent on tickets, travel, food & drink, programmes, half time draw etc.

Many thanks for the unbelievable response. All contributions count, whatever the size they mount up.

Click here to Donate

The 6 remaining home matches would have netted us £53,000 in profit from a revenue of 120,000. That’s without the potential 2 further matches we could have hosted in the play-offs if we had finished 2nd.

The 3g bookings, most functions etc are cancelled (potentially a wedding could reschedule for next year but things like birthday parties are gone) and although some activity such as the 3g bookings should pick up again as soon as restrictions are lifted, functions are booked months in advance so we anticipate being relatively empty for at least 3 months after we can hold them again

Once again thank you and stay safe

First Posted ~ 06:00 Fri 3 Apr 2020
News ID ~ 8679
Last Updated ~ 16:00 Fri 19 Feb 2021